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Rewari News: Under the Rural Participation Programme, a team of students from IIM Rohtak reached Rewari.

Rewari News: Under the Rural Participation Programme, a team of students from IIM Rohtak reached Rewari.

Deputy Commissioner Abhishek Meena talks to a group of students from IIM Rohtak.

  • Along with rural development, we will study topics such as health, sports, education, agriculture, etc.

(Rewari News) Rewari. Under the Rural Participation Programme, a team of 16 students from IIM Rohtak arrived in Rewari on Monday to visit various villages and institutions in the district. This team will study at various points until November 22. During this period, along with rural development, topics such as health, sports, education, agriculture, etc. will be deepened. Students will also get to know the opinion of the villagers on the problems related to the village and their solutions etc.

The team members met Deputy Commissioner Abhishek Meena and discussed various issues. On this occasion, the Deputy Commissioner said that the rural area has an important contribution to our economy. As students, the importance of your studies increases even more. The Central Government and the State Government are implementing many types of schemes to improve the lives of the people in rural areas.

In the villages, especially the Panchayat and Development Department, Health Department, Zilla Parishad, MNREGA and Women and Child Development Department emphasize on the all-round development of women and children. Regarding the students’ question about drug addiction, the deputy commissioner said that although this problem is limited in scale in Rewari district, detoxification centers and counseling centers have still been opened to get rid of drugs or any other type of addiction. .

Seminars on de-addiction are organized from time to time in colleges, universities and schools, etc. It is important for young people to get the values ​​and education from home, family and society that the path of addiction ruins life. Along with the government and administration, a great participation of social organizations is also necessary in the campaign against drug addiction.

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