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Vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 deficiency is the cause of depression and fatigue, you can overcome the deficiency by eating these things.

Vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 deficiency is the cause of depression and fatigue, you can overcome the deficiency by eating these things.
Image source: FREEPIK
vitamin b12 deficiency

All vitamins are necessary to keep the body healthy. Due to deficiency of any vitamin, the body weakens and diseases related to it begin to appear. B12 is one of those essential vitamins to keep the body healthy. If vitamin B12 is reduced in the body, this also affects immunity. Vitamin B12 is essential for keeping the brain healthy and producing red blood cells and DNA in the body. Vitamin B12 is also necessary to cure nerve related diseases. Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause problems such as weakness and anemia. In such a situation, you can supplement the vitamin B12 deficiency with some foods.

Main sources of vitamin B12

  • If you don’t eat vegetables, there are many sources of vitamin B12 for you. You can get vitamin B from chicken, meat and fish.
  • A good amount of vitamin B12 is found in eggs. Eggs contain good amounts of vitamin B2 and B12. If you eat two eggs a day, you will cover 46 percent of the daily requirement.
  • Vitamin B12 is also found in animal products. For this you can consume dairy products like milk, curd and cheese.
  • To overcome vitamin B12 deficiency, you should consume almonds, cashews, oats and coconut milk in your diet.
  • Soybeans are also a good source for vegetarians to satisfy vitamin B12 deficiency. Vitamin B12 is found in abundance in soybeans. You can eat soy milk, tofu, or soy vegetables.
  • Vitamin B12 is found mainly in non-vegetable products. Therefore, people who eat non-veg products have less deficiency of vitamin B12 in their body.

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