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You can achieve success in the competitive era by studying with a calm and stable mind: Girish

You can achieve success in the competitive era by studying with a calm and stable mind: Girish

Children honored in the program with the organizers.

(CharkhiDadri News) Charkhi Dadri. By studying with a calm and steady mind, one can achieve success in the era of competition and make the condition of society divine and better. This statement was given to 85 talented students from various educational institutions of the region in a program organized at. the Kadma branch of Prajapita Brahma Kumari Ishwariya Vishwavidyalaya, while congratulating the dynamic motivational speaker Professor EV Girish expressed.

He told the students that in addition to their studies, they must also have social and practical knowledge through which they can achieve the comprehensive development of society. Professor Girish said that if we want the society to be value-oriented, we will have to inculcate divine values ​​from childhood itself because culture is formed through values. He told the students that you all are the future of India, so we must value character and moral values ​​in life to maintain Indian culture. Our country, India, can become great.

On this occasion, the sister in charge of Rajyogini Brahmakumari Vasudha, Seva Kendra, said that today teachers and parents should also teach children the lessons of character formation and moral education, only then we can strengthen our home, our family and our society. Only with the strength of this India can it become a world leader again. On this occasion, Hindustan Guides and Scouts district secretary Amit Jakhar along with principals and teachers of various schools praised the program organized by Brahma Kumaris Institute on all-round development of students. Brahmakumar Birendra Bhai, Headquarters Coordinator of Social Services Division, who came from Mount Abu, expressed his gratitude to all. Brahmakumar Ma. Sunil directed the stage.

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