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In the next five years, more than 1 lakh new jobs will be created due to rapid digital expansion in the field of fiber technology in India.

In the next five years, more than 1 lakh new jobs will be created due to rapid digital expansion in the field of fiber technology in India.

Delhi– According to Subburathinam P, Chief Strategy Officer, TeamLease Services, rapid digital expansion, including broadband and 5G networks, is expected to create around 1 lakh new job opportunities in the fiber installation, maintenance and repair sectors during the next five years.

The Indian telecom market is estimated to reach $48.61 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach $76.16 billion in 2029, growing at an annual rate of 9.40 percent and by 2023, the Coverage will reach around 7,000,000 km throughout the country. Fiber optic cable has been laid, significantly contributing to the expansion of digital infrastructure, he told PTI. said.

Subburathinam said, “The annual employment growth rate in the fiber optic technicians segment is largely driven by the rapid expansion of broadband and 5G networks in India. As governments and telecom operators focus on expanding fiber infrastructure, demand for fiber technicians is expected to increase significantly.” He said that increased fiberization of telecom towers is expected to create around 1 lakh new employment opportunities.

He said that currently, the number of fiber technicians in India is estimated to be over 5 lakh, following the rapid expansion of fiber optic networks to support 4G, 5G and broadband initiatives across the country.

He said that by 2030, 5G technology is expected to peak, providing unprecedented speeds, low latency and better connectivity.

He said fiber technicians are employed in a variety of sectors including telecommunications, IT, construction and manufacturing, and their roles often focus on network expansion and infrastructure installation in both urban and rural areas.

Additionally, Subburathinam said jobs such as fiber engineers, splicers, fiber termination equipment technicians, installation and repair, fault resolution teams, fiber cell site engineers and field technicians are seeing significant growth. due to the expansion of telecommunications infrastructure and the deployment of 5G services. state.


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