Some people have strong bad breath. Forget talking to these people, it becomes difficult to even be in front of them. It’s even harder to realize that your mouth smells bad. Many times the smell persists even after brushing twice a day. In such a situation, people have to feel a lot of shame. In reality, there can be many reasons for bad breath. These include lack of proper cleaning of the mouth and teeth, tooth decay, unclean stomach, gum infection and many times bad smell continues to come out of the mouth even after eating pungent smelling foods. Apart from this, deficiency of some essential vitamins and nutrients also causes bad breath. Deficiency of these 3 vitamins in the body can also increase the problem of bad breath.
Deficiency of these vitamins causes bad breath
vitamin c- Vitamin C deficiency causes bad breath. Due to vitamin C deficiency, the risk of gum swelling, gum bleeding, and infection increases. This can cause cavities in the mouth and cause bad breath. Vitamin C is effective in strengthening immunity. Vitamin C deficiency can be compensated by eating lemon, orange, guava, papaya and strawberry.
vitamin D- Calcium and vitamin D are needed to strengthen teeth. Vitamin D helps strengthen bones. This also strengthens the grip of the teeth in the jaw. If the teeth break or become loose, bad breath occurs. Vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of diseases related to the gums and teeth. To overcome vitamin D deficiency, eat egg yolk, dairy products and fortified cereals and sit in the sun.
Vitamin B12- Due to vitamin B12 deficiency in the body, problems such as bad breath, mouth ulcers, swelling of the gums and the connective tissue that supports the teeth may arise. Bad mouth odor can also cause a deficiency of vitamin B12 in the body. To overcome vitamin B12 deficiency, eat almond milk, curd, salmon, red meat and eggs.
Home remedies to eliminate bad breath
If you have bad breath, put 1 or 2 cardamoms in your mouth after eating.
Chewing fennel seeds after meals also eliminates bad breath.
The smell can also be reduced by chewing basil leaves on an empty stomach.
Get into the habit of brushing your teeth twice a day, in the morning and at night, this will eliminate the odor.
Drink plenty of water throughout the day and chewing mint leaves will also get rid of bad breath.
(This article is for general information, consult a doctor before adopting any remedy)
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